Episode 3 of The Escapistcast is now up and ready for your listening pleasure.
Featured in this episode:
- Gaming advocacy news
- A segment on celebrity gamers.
- Listener mail
Due to length, the show notes for this episode are in comments.
Episode 3 of The Escapistcast is now up and ready for your listening pleasure.
Featured in this episode:
Or visit the Escapist Store. All donations go towards hosting & management of the site, review materials, and coffee.
Air date: 05/28/08
Title: Fame & Fortune
Harvard University Gazette - "Faux terrorist exercise proves fruitful"
Live Action Role-Playing Game A Hit - http://www.chroniclejournal.com/stories_local.php?id=108804
Monster Camp Documentary - www.monstercampmovie.com
Clarkesworld Magazine - "Of Dice and Men" - http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/ridler_howe_05_08.html
An endless campaign http://media.www.spectatornews.com/media/storage/paper218/news/2008/05/08/StudentLife/An.Endless.Campaign-3367266.shtml
Playing in One's Imagination, Rulebook in Hand - http://www.northbynorthwestern.com/2008/05/9919/dead-city-productions/
Geek's Dream Girl - Polyhedral Dice for Musicians - http://geeksdreamgirl.com/2008/05/05/a-musicians-guide-to-alternative-uses-for-polyhedral-dice/
Gnome Stew - www.gnomestew.com
Review - Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media
Blogcritics column - Prince Caspian and the age of anti-magic - Janica Unruh - http://blogcritics.org/archives/2008/05/14/122824.php
Virtual Violence Does Not Cause Actual Violence - http://www.pressconnects.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080517/NEWS01/805170354
"Grand Theft" Rationality - http://eurekareporter.com/article/080518-grand-theft-rationality
'Speed Racer' leads Hollywood's latest charge: Anime adaptations - http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/news/2008-05-01-speed-racer_N.htm
Jon Favreau is the action figure behind 'Iron Man' - http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-favreau5-2008may05,0,6653890,full.story
Matt Forbeck's list of celebrity gamers: http://www.forbeck.com/2006/06/09/celebrity-gamers
SLC Punk: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2521545091546372547
- I'll be running six RPGs for kids (and their grown-ups) at Origins in Columbus Ohio this June. See theescapist.com/ypal for more info.
Great episode!
Thanks for mentioning the On Board Games podcast and playing our promo! I'll have to get one of your promos in our podcast.
ANother one in the bag Bill, keep it up. Oh, thanks for putting my feedback in there! I've now been mentioned on three separate gaming casts: yours, Yog Radio (more than once) and Project:Shadow (which I've been invited to join!)
I think it was in Episode 3 where you said something like, "We need a Narnia RPG." Some time ago, somebody took a stab (a poke, really) at a Narnia True20 setting. Also, Amazon.de has a listing for a German Narnia: Das Rollenspiel.
Also, with regard to LARPing in education, check out Barnard College's "Reacting to the Past" program if you're not aware of it. The program teaches history through LARP-style simulations at over 40 USA colleges and universities. I attended a "Reacting" conference in April and plan to adapt the technique for my own discipline this fall.
Another D&D celebrity/gamer is Lexa Doig who's appeared in a couple of SF shows.
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